i've been slacking on taking pictures lately.
first because my camera got soaked and now because the batteries are dead.
i bought new ones today.
here's a verbal, succint summary of what's been going on.
providence- awesome.
boston- terrible
portsmouth- cold and rainy, but OK
montreal- cancelled
toronto- awesome. we played in a united steelworkers of america. the room had dividers and different bands played in different rooms. with each wall that opened the room got bigger. we love toronto.
detroit- cool space
chicago- pretty ok
milwaukee- surprisingly FUN.
here are two videos from our drive through canada.
one is really foggy because of my wet camera.
the other is to show how pretty it really was.
also, when we crossed the border from canada to michigan we had to go inside and be searched.
inside there was a poster hanging with a parrot on it.
above the parrot it said "don't smuggle me. i could be sick"
it is, by far, the best thing i've seen on tour.
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